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Selenite, with its delicate composition and powerful energy, holds a unique place in the realm of healing crystals. However, when a selenite crystal breaks, questions arise about its significance and implications. Exploring the meaning behind a broken selenite crystal can shed light on its role and potential outcomes. Fragility and Resilience of Selenite: Selenite, renowned for its fragility, possesses a Mohs hardness rating of 2.5, signifying its softness. Despite its susceptibility to breakage, selenite retains its potent healing properties, provided it is handled with care and stored securely. Interpreting a Broken Selenite Crystal: When a selenite crystal breaks, whether due...

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  Selenite, a celestial crystal with powerful vibrations, has captivated spiritual seekers and crystal enthusiasts alike. Renowned for its ability to reduce anxiety, stress, and unblock chakras, selenite unveils its mystical potential through various forms, such as wands, sculptures, and jewelry. As we embark on this exploration, we'll delve into the chakra alignment of different selenite variations, unraveling the ancient wisdom associated with each. Selenite in Ancient Practices: In ancient Egyptian traditions, selenite wands held a significant place as protective talismans against evil spirits. Egyptians would hang these crystals by their front doors, believing in their ability to safeguard homes...

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  Selenite, renowned for its ethereal appearance and metaphysical properties, exhibits a fascinating array of colors, including the enchanting yellow hue. Beyond its aesthetic allure, yellow selenite carries unique energies and transformations attributed to sunlight exposure and mineral influences. Join us on a journey to explore the mystical aspects of yellow selenite, its origins, and the vibrancy it brings to the world of crystal healing. Diverse Colors of Selenite: While selenite predominantly appears in white, peach, or green, the manifestation of diverse colors is not uncommon. External factors, such as the presence of iron or exposure to sunlight, can contribute...

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Selenite, a mesmerizing crystal with its clear translucence resembling sheets of ice or glass, captivates crystal enthusiasts worldwide. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, this soft gem has a rich history, diverse formations, and profound significance in the realm of crystal healing. Join us as we explore the origins, unique formations, and various types of selenite crystals, unraveling the secrets held within these enchanting gems. Selenite Overview: Selenite, characterized by its colorless and almost glass-like appearance, is abundant across the globe. With a hardness of 2.5 Mohs, it delicately reflects beauty and fragility. Craftsmen carve intricate ornaments and sculptures from selenite due...

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  Embarking on your crystal healing journey with a new selenite crystal can be an exciting yet perplexing experience. Distinguishing between genuine selenite and its crystal counterparts requires a discerning eye and knowledge of the distinctive features that set it apart. In this guide, we'll delve into the characteristics of selenite, explore potential imitations like satin spar, and provide practical tests to determine the authenticity of your crystal. Identifying Genuine Selenite: Translucent and Colorless: Genuine selenite boasts a translucent quality with a lack of color, offering a pristine, glass-like appearance. Occasionally, trapped minerals may create hues, usually dust or dirt,...

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